Wednesday, June 3, 2009

defensive medicine and appreciative inquiry

Was reading an email last night on the AIlist serve (Appreciative Inquiry). What struck me was two questions: "Could we even say that what we perceive as "problems" contain assets we haven't identified yet"? and "Does classifying something as a 'problem' mean that it can't be part of the solution"? Also, the comment that sometimes we need to bump up our thinking to a higher level, referring to Einstein's comment, "You can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them."
Why not use this thinking, this appreciative inquiry approach, in terms of "defensive medicine". As I mentioned in an earlier post, we can shift the conversation, frame it in terms of "preventive medicine", subsuming "defensive medicine" in it, and making "defensive medicine" part of the solution. Also, we can look at the assets in "defensive medicine" to help us get to a solution.

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